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A Message From Mira From the Pleiadian High Council
Channeled Through Valerie Donner on October 15, 2009

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. We bring you love.

Right now your skies are filled with our ships as well as those from other planets. Your Earth is unstable, as you know. Many of you are sensitive and feel what the Earth is feeling. Some of you may be feeling extra tired from all that is transpiring. You are also assisting many in the dream state. The chaos and changes are fatiguing. We see that your bodies are going through a lot right now. There is no comparison to how much you will be feeling as the changes accelerate.

You might as well get prepared for the future events and for our appearances. You have been given ample suggestions as well as warnings about the future. We are in a position where we can see what is likely. We communicate with the Earth as well as the Galactic Federation. The situation is unstable at this time.

We would like to provide you with some insights that might assist you during these changes. From our perspective some of you are the frontrunners of change. You are the agents of change and the tellers of truth. You are functioning in this manner on many different levels and in various positions on the Earth. You are most needed. You are the ones who may be asked to provide stability to those in fear. You may become the interpreters of events as they occur.

Some of you are anxiously awaiting our arrival. You must be patient as always. We love it when you welcome us and joyously want to be in our presence. You must always be deeply preparing for our reunion. The more that you do to prepare energetically for our arrival, the more that we can be in preparation for you. The last thing that we want to do is bring fear to the populace. That is why every time you transcend your fear it paves the way for our presence.

The gateways of Light are open and wide for the Earth. The love that is coming to her and to all of you is unparalleled. It is helping to shift the consciousness. Everything that is occurring right now is helping to clear and shift old stuck energies. With each earth change, storm, or other stroke of nature, the Light penetrates deeper into the Earth and humanity. It will take a lot of Light and healing for the transformative energies to bring about the higher dimensions and ascension of the Earth.

The Earth has been impenetrably surrounded for a long time with dense and dark energies. Many of you already are aware of this fact. The fact that the gateways of Light are open and streaming through signifies progress that is necessary for the completion of our landings and reconnections with all of you.

This is the time on the Earth when you will be ending wars. It might not seem apparent now but this is the direction where things are going. There will be no more separation caused by duality consciousness. It will bring unity consciousness even with your brothers and sisters from space. With that in mind, why would you need war?

Our connection with you runs deep. We are with you constantly and are working with you whether you are aware of it or not. We have the same goal in mind, to be of service to the Earth and all of life on the Earth.

Take excellent care of yourselves, until we speak again.

I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council.

Written by: Valerie Donner

Energy Healer

Working deeply at the heart and soul level, which is where healing needs to occur, Valerie uses her gifts of clear feeling, clear seeing, clear knowing and clear hearing. This is how she knows what is going on with you. She works with your team of guides, angels, and healers as well as with her own team like the angels, Archangels and Masters, to create quantum healing. This means that she works mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally with the universal field of energy to shift energies where healing is needed. She can help you find peace.

Valerie Donner is an ex-healthcare executive. She worked in the corporate world for many years. She has been meditating twice daily for over 30 years and has been following her spiritual path all that time. She is long experienced in working with the Higher Realms and brings this into her practice. This led her to finding her soul's purpose as a teacher, healer, intuitive reader, spiritual counselor, channel, poet and writer. She is the founder of website.

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Valerie Donner - October 15, 2009 - A Message From Mira From the Pleiadian High Council

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Valerie Donner - April 7, 2009 - A Message From Mira From the Pleiadian High Council

Valerie Donner - March 6, 2009 - A Message From Mira From the Pleiadian High Council

Valerie Donner - February 12, 2009 - A Message From Mira From the Pleiadian High Council

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Valerie Donner - December 4, 2008 - A Message From Mira From the Pleiadian High Council

Valerie Donner - November 19, 2008 - A Message From Mira From the Pleiadian High Council

Valerie Donner - November 4, 2008 - A Message From Mira From the Pleiadian High Council

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